Want Legal Service Then contact NovoJuris Services: Your Legal Team From India

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Now a days legal support and services are so important for any kind of companies. They are helping in various government process like public offer, corporate restructuring, acquisitions, mergers, technical and financial collaborations, private equity, structuring of business model and JVs, corporate laws, trademarks, copyrights and other IP related matters, commercial and employee matters, foreign investments, RBI and FEMA matters.

So,  NovoJuris Services India Pvt Ltd provides all these services and support as above mentioned.

About The company 

NovoJuris is the brainchild of Sharda Balaji. Over years, having worked in various companies across a broad range of industries, she found a need for accessible legal advice on an ongoing basis. For most small and medium business, being compliant with all the applicable laws is a confusing effort. NovoJuris was started to address this problem with innovative "Solution based counseling" process. NovoJuris started operations on February 14, 2008.

About The Founder

Sharda Balaji running their consultancy to provide legal services to startups and entrepreneurs in the technology domain. Have been working with various corporate houses in India in different spectrum of activities with rich and varied experience in different facets of corporate affairs and legal functions. Areas of expertise include initial public offer, corporate restructuring, acquisitions, mergers, technical and financial collaborations, private equity, structuring of business model and JVs, corporate laws, trademarks, copyrights and other IP related matters, commercial and employee matters, foreign investments, RBI and FEMA matters.

Sharda Balaji has worked with various corporate houses in India in different spectrum of activities for over 11 years with rich and varied experience in different facets of corporate affairs and legal functions. Areas of expertise include initial public offer, corporate restructuring, acquisitions, mergers, technical and financial collaborations, structuring of business model and JVs, corporate laws, trademarks, copyrights and other IP related matters, commercial and employee matters, foreign investments, RBI and FEMA matters.
During Sharda's earlier employment with Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd., she has assumed many legal roles, including supporting start-up business units within Intel India, heading the Legal Compliance Forum.
During Sharda's previous assignment, she managed and handled all legal aspects and processes of an initial public offer of a real estate company.
Sharda is a Lawyer and a Company Secretary, along with a degree from Institute of Chartered Secretaries, UK. She has a Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights from National Law School of India, Bangalore and an advanced certificate course in Copyrights from World Intellectual Property Organization.
Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan (Vaidhy) has over 12 years of experience in the IT industry. He is currently the CTO and Co-founder of Serendio, a start-up developing text analytics products. At Serendio, Vaidhy is responsible for all overall product strategy and the design and development of the products. Prior to that, Vaidhy had been designing systems for Aztecsoft, Pinnacle Sports, Ascom and several others.
Vaidhy is also an avid user and contributor to open source software. He has been involved with Debian, ClanLib and a few others. Vaidhy graduated with a bachelor's degree in Engineering from Bharathidasan University.

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