Java interview Question- Part2

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Java interview Question- Part2

1) What is JVM?
    JVM enables to convert the source code into the code which can be executed in the system. This makes the java independent of the platform

2) Name four container classes?
    * Dialog
    * FileDialog
    * Panel
    * Frame

3) What is JAR file?
   JAR stands for java archive, it is used to compress a class of file.

4) What is typecasting?
   Typecasting converts entity of one type to entity of another type. It is very important while developing applications. 
   Casting is of two types:-
    1. downcasting
    2. Upcasting

5) What is serialization and deserialization?
    It is process of representing the state of an object in byte stream. Process of restoring the object is done be deserialization.

6) What is vector class?    
     Vector class provides the capability to implement array of objects.

7) What is JVM and its use?
     The most important feature of Java is platform independent, this is supported by JVM. It converts the machine code into bytes. It is the heart of the java language and a structure programming language.

8) What are the difference between java and C++?
     Java adopts byte code whereas C++ doesn’t.
     C++ supports destructor whereas java doesn’t support.
     Multiple inheritance possible in C++ but not in java.

9) Difference between swing and AWT?
    AWT is works faster then swing since AWT is heavy weight components.AWT consist of thin layer of code, swing is larger and of higher functionality.

10) If a variable is declared as private, where may the variable be accessed?
     When the variable is declared private, it can be accessed only inside the class in which it is defined.

11) What is final?

     A final class cannot be sub classed neither extended. The variables cannot change the value.

12) What is static in java?
    Static methods are implicitly final, their methods are not attached to an object rather it is attached to a class.

13) Is null a keyword?
      NULL is not a keyword.

14) What is garbage collection?
     When an object is no longer used, java implicitly recalls the memory of the object. Since java doesn’t support destructor it makes use of garbage collector in the place of destructor.

15) What is the resourceBundle class?
     It is used to store the local specific resources inorder to tailor the appearance.

16) What is tagged interface?
     Tagged interface is similar to the serializable interface, it instruct the complier to perform some activity.

17) What is overriding?
     When any class use the same name, type and arguments as that of the methods in the super class then the class can override the super class method.

18) What is referent?
     Referent variable are constant variable it cannot be modified to refer to any other object then the one with it was initialized.

19) What is the method to implement thread?
     Thread can be implemented by run() method

20) What is the difference between primitive scheduling and time slicing?
     In case of primitive scheduling the task with highest priority is performed until it enters the dead state. In case of time slicing it performs the task for sometime and then enter the ready state.

21) What are different types of access modifiers?
     public: accessible from anywhere.
     private: can be accessed only inside the class.
     protected: accessed by classes and subclasses of the same package.
     default modifier : accessed by classes contain the same package

22) What is the difference between subclass and superclass?
    Subclass doesn’t inherit anything from other classes whereas superclass inherit from other class.

23) What is a package?
     Package is a collection interface and class which provides a very high level of protection and space management.

24) What is the difference between Integer and int?-
     Integer defined in java. lang package which is a class, whereas int is a primitive data type defined in the Java language itself.

25) What is synchronization?
     It is mechanism that allows only one thread to process the thread at a time. This is mainly to prevent deadlock.

Posted By Sundeep aka SunTechie

Sundeep is a Founder of Youth Talent Auzzar, a passionate blogger, a programmer, a developer, CISE and these days he is pursuing his graduation in Engineering with Computer Science dept.
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